Terms and Conditions

T & C

The website dialecta.com is an online presence of ZIS GmbH

§ 1) Data Protection

Zentrum für Internationale Sprachdienstleistungen GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ZIS) undertakes to treat all documents and information provided as confidential and to maintain secrecy regarding all facts and circumstances that become known in connection with business relationships with our customers. Freelance employees are bound to discretion. Our complete data protection declaration in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) can be found here.

§ 2) Order Placement

The ZIS business structure favours placing translation, editing, or layout jobs through an online process, either by sending an email with an attachment or by using a contact form. All additional information required to process the job (explanations, drawings, glossaries, templates) must be provided by the client without being asked. The client shall be liable for any errors, delays, or quality impairments resulting from the failure to take the above points into account or from inaccurate or incorrect information.

§ 3) Execution of Orders

ZIS is authorised to use third parties to perform the assigned tasks as deemed appropriate. However, the primary business relationship is exclusively between us and the customer, excluding direct contact between customers and third parties without our consent. The work of ZIS is mainly carried out by employees bound by contract. Unless otherwise agreed, ZIS is permitted to include the client in the reference list after delivery has been completed. This includes the use of trademarks, used solely for illustrative purposes.

§ 4) Delivery

A delivery is considered complete as soon as the respective work has been sent to the customer. The delivery times given are approximations and should be regarded as probable dates, provided by ZIS to the best of its knowledge. We assume no liability for possible additional expenses of the customer due to non-compliance with the deadlines given. The client is responsible for checking that the transferred data is complete and is requested to confirm receipt of the material in writing. The dispatch of the executed work is at the customer's risk. We assume no liability for incorrect, incomplete, or damaged transmission of the material or its loss during electronic transmission.

§ 5) Retention of Title and Payment Terms

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, invoices are sent electronically by email in PDF format. Delivered translations or other commissioned work remain the property of ZIS until full payment has been received. Until the customer has settled all claims in full, we retain copyright to the respective work, and there is no right of use; reproductions of any kind result in license fees. A period of 10 days from the invoice date is set for full reimbursement of claims, except for first orders, where advance payment applies. Exceeding the payment term will result in interest and collection costs at the usual bank rates after a one-time reminder. Subsequent corrections do not delay payment. All prices are net in euros. All offers and prices are subject to change.

§ 6) Scope

The listed terms and conditions apply to all business transactions of ZIS, headquartered in Germany, 10245 Berlin, Grünberger Straße 26. Customers accept these terms by reading the website, placing an order, or other business interactions. The customer's terms are only binding if explicitly accepted. Further agreements that differ from these terms are valid only if signed by both parties. All other regulations remain valid. Contractual relationships and other business relations are subject exclusively to the laws of Germany, excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. For disputes, the place of jurisdiction is Berlin, Germany.

§ 7) Effectiveness & Liability

Should any provisions of these terms be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. A valid provision that closely approximates the economic and legal purpose shall replace it. Unless otherwise specified in the contract regarding specific requirements for a translation, the contractor shall produce the translation to the best of their knowledge, orthographically and grammatically correct, and fit for the purpose of information. The client has the right to submit written objections within 10 working days of receipt. If this option is not taken, the translation shall be deemed approved. The client waives claims if an objection is not made within the stated deadline.

§ 8) Rescission, Termination, Assignment

A contract can only be terminated by the customer before completion if they provide important reasons in writing. ZIS is entitled to compensation for lost profits in the full amount of the order. The customer may only withdraw from the contract due to delay or impossibility if three attempts to rectify the issue fail.

§ 9) Force Majeure and Other Disruptive Factors

ZIS assumes no liability for damages caused by disruption of business operations and force majeure such as natural disasters, data corruption, or network errors beyond our control. In these cases, or in the event of partial or full business suspension, we reserve the right to withdraw from concluded contracts. This is a translation from German. In the event of any legal dispute, the original German version shall prevail.

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